- Give students things to notice. Noticing exercises prime the curiosity pump and curious students want to learn.
- Provide students with the vocabulary necessary to discuss the content. This allows for entrée into the discourse community—the first step to being an academic badass.
- Provide students with a conceptual framework—a vehicle for understanding and arguing about material. Teaching students how to argue is more important than the content. Cogent, persuasive arguments come out of logical reasoning. Teach logical reasoning and amp up the deep learning in your classroom.
- Integrate pictures—visual analogies are critical to learning. Pictures penetrate and resonate as they stimulate new neuronal networks.
- Encourage curiosity by promoting the why. The more questions we ask the more we reinforce neuronal networks. Whying the day away promotes deep learning; just ask a three year old.
- Make time for play. Playing keeps your brain engaged and thinking strategically.
Eide Neurolearning Blog’s Priming the Pump—Optimizing Science Learning through Analogy
Ririan Project’s 22 Ways to Overclock Your Brain |
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